In April of 1998 I received word that I had been accepted as a Fulbright Memorial Fund awardee and traveled to Japan in June of that year. As a guest of the Japanese government I traveled with 200 other educators from all 50 American states and Washington D.C. As a recipient it's my wish to share some of what I have learned with primary aged students and their teachers. This site, with its pictures of Japan, teacher resources, and classroom theme ideas, is designed with one primary goal - to discover what is different between our two cultures and more importantly what we have in common.
As I spent the bulk of my visit in Nagasaki I have devoted part of this site to the persuit of peace and international understanding. I have included age appropriate description and images of the bombing of Nagasaki.
If you are interested in reading the journal of my trip, I have included it at this site.
I am anxious to hear your impressions of this page. I would love to hear of other resources and of any errors in this site. Please email me and let me know what you think.
I have had many kind words sent to me regarding the pages.